by Designer Lori Esterly

Posts tagged ‘God’

A Friend of Mine…God


Did you ever talk with God and say “You have to work this out because I don’t see the way I am supposed to go”, and then an answer just falls in your lap?  Well let me tell you what happened.

A couple of days ago I asked God to give me direction for Keith’s future as all the things that I set up completely fell apart and I didn’t know what to do.  So I asked God to show me what to do.

Then this morning “the coordinator” from a local program that I looked into before Keith graduated, called me out of the blue and said that there is an opening in the program and we may be able to get Keith in, so I called Keith’s social worker.  She said she would call “the coordinator” and talk with her.  I haven’t heard back yet but who knows, this just might be the program for him.  It is a very good program from a great local university and I know Keith would be very successful in this program.  So, I am waiting to see what happens.  Please keep us in prayer.

I believe that everything will work out.  I believe the right program will come to light.  And I believe that Keith will get into the program that will be a perfect fit for him.  I know this with all my being, I just pray that it won’t take much longer.  It’s funny how when I stopped trying to figure it all out and asked for help God made things happen, not that I haven’t asked before but as the saying goes, Timing is everything.

What are you waiting for?  Have you done all you can do?  Has it all fallen apart?  Maybe it’s time to stop trying, and ask for help.  You never know, you just might have the answer fall right into your lap.

Just like these bracelets that Keith made.  Who knew he had such a knack for making jewelry.  He put all of these together by himself except the one on the far right which was his first so I helped him.  Amazing what just “falls into your lap” when the timing is right.  I am so proud of him and his good work.

Bracelets Keith Made to Raise Money for Autism

Bracelets Keith Made to Raise Money for Autism

Have a Great Week!

~ Lori

What Am I Doing?


Hello Everyone,

In the midst of chaos do you ever question if this is what you are supposed to be doing?  Ever since I chose to make my hobby a business there have been roadblocks in front of me every time I turn around.  When I feel strong I realize that means that I am going in the right direction because nothing worth doing is ever easy.  But there are those days when I get down and each one of those challenges seems to be one more reason to quit.  What do you do when you get overwhelmed, tired and want to quit?

This morning I just realized that yes, I feel like quitting but I believe that this is my calling or destiny.  So, since this is my destiny then it doesn’t really matter how long it takes me to “get there” what matters is the journey, the learning in the process and accomplishing all that I can today no matter how big or little that may be.  I AM SUCCESSFUL AS LONG AS I KEEP PUTTING ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER!  There are people who I don’t want to disappoint and a family that is counting on me for support but on the days when that just feels like another burden I can’t bear, it helps to realize that I am destined to succeed.  This will happen because I am called to it.

My faith tells me that God always blesses obedience in little ways or big ways but He always blesses obedience.  So as long as I am doing what I am supposed to do He will continue to bless me, that includes work, home and in my son’s future as well.

This all releases me from the stress of I have to _______ and hurry up and get it done.  All I have to do is what is before me today and the rest will take care of itself.  This allows me to create beauty and frees my mind to work easily and effectively.  How great is that?  Sure I have concerns, I’m not walking around in fantasy land but allowing all of those things to weigh me down stops me from doing what I need to do and does not fix any of those problems anyway.

So, take a deep breath and relax.  Everything will be all right.  Check the list of things to do and just do the next thing.  Because I have been overwhelmed lately Monday I decided that I was going to do the thing I love first instead of “all the things I have to do”.  And you know what, that was a great idea!  It got my whole week started off on the right foot.  Next week I am going to do the same thing.  I am going to create on Monday.  I’ll call it “Make it Monday”.  I have always hated Mondays and doing what I love on Mondays will help change that.  So, that’s the new plan.  I’m excited because I have been frustrated not getting to making jewelry and just doing all the left brain things “I have to do”.   Now I’m going to do what I love before doing what needs to be done and see how that works for me.  At least I will get to do my passion which fuels doing all the other stuff.

So, how do you structure your week?  Work first? or Passion first?

These are some of the earrings I created this Monday.  You may have seen some of these before as they are apart of the Mosaic Matches Collection.  Go see the entire collection at…  and

New Mosaic Matches in Two-Tone Blue

New Mosaic Matches in Purple & Blue

New Mosaic Matches in Pink, Coral & Red

New Mosaic Matches in Purple Tones

…and have a Great Weekend!

~ Lori


What A Whirlwind…

Hello Everyone,

What a whirlwind this week has been.  Opening the shop, trying to keep adding more items, and the 4th of July plus a heat wave in the North East that promises to keep going at least through the weekend.  I have had it!  The heat is bad enough but I have a very hard time with the humidity.  I can’t wait for this to break.  Thank God for AC!

So what do you do when your brain has had it and you still have work to do?  I have miles to go before I sleep.  This week is a long week because of the holiday taking time out of the middle and having more work to stuff into less time.

So here are some of the things I have worked on…

Custom Sterling Silver & Aquamarine Crystal

Custom Stardust Sterling Silver & Aquamarine Crystal Earrings

Custom Glass Pearls, Glass Seed Beads & Ribbon Tri-Strand

Custom Glass Pearls & Seed Bead Earrings

…and I still have to post these on Etsy.  Miles to go before I sleep…

Have a Cool Weekend,

~ Lori

Reblog from Women of Faith…Joy! It’s Good for You!

Women of Faith
Joy: It’s Contagious!
Posted Wednesday, May 23, 2012 by Women of Faith
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Garden of Madness

A research study performed by Harvard and MIT researchers documented that the spread of happiness (or sadness) is absolutely contagious, with spreading patterns very similar to communicable diseases like the flu.

But here’s the best part—being full of joy is not only good for those around you, it’s actually good for your own body and soul as well. Researchers have conducted multiple studies associated with joy that scientifically prove there is physical benefit in being joyful. An article from BBC, for example, cites a group of American psychologists who discovered that positive thinkers live 7.5 years longer than their more pessimistic counterparts. Having a positive attitude toward aging proved to have even greater effect than physiological measures like blood pressure and cholesterol. And a University of Maryland School of Medicine study concluded that laughter helps blood vessels stay healthier.2

So for a healthy body and a healthy soul, take the advice of one of the Bible’s wisest prophets, Nehemiah, and let the joy of the Lord be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Joy is a gift and one that God loves to give us, especially as we put our complete trust in Him. Let’s be honest. All of us have room in our lives for a little bit more joy. We can experience more joy as we spend more time in God’s presence and allow the Holy Spirit to produce fruit in us as we walk in obedience to Him.

Margaret Feinberg

From Making Peace With Your Emotions.Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson Published by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

After Hahnemann…


Monday was my day at Hahnemann University Hospital.  Last week I admitted that I dread going and taking all the tests etc.  Well I had nothing to dread this time, PTL!  I had to have my blood drawn and I had an echo cardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) which is sticky but doesn’t really hurt, (unless you get a tech that presses really hard like I did) and I saw my doctor, Dr Howard Eisen.

*A little side note here, if you have to go to a cardiologist and you live anywhere near Philadelphia there is no better doctor for your heart than Dr. Eisen.  He has cared for me through my transplant and 12 years later I am still being taken care of by him.  So, I trust him and you can too.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program…I was suppose to have a Lexiscan Stress test, which is the tougher test of the day, but it had to be rescheduled because it was never properly scheduled in the first place.  So my day was pretty easy as far as days at the hospital go.  Now I have that stress test next week but it is local so I don’t have to go to the city for it.  I am praising God for a good day!  I am still dreading that stress test though…but the good news is I can have the whole test in one day instead of 2 halves! Yay!

So, in my joy I created two new necklaces.  Take a Look!

Floating Glass 3 Strand Necklace

Aqua Crystal and Sterling Silver on a Figaro Silver Plated Chain (matching earrings) Matching Aqua Crystal and Matte Finish Sterling Silver Earrings

I hope you all enjoy these pieces as much as I do.  Have a Great Weekend!

~ Lori

Blue Crystal and Silver Chain

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a good week. This week is a busy one for me.  It started out Monday with having some tests for my annual heart transplant check-up.  On tap is the normal  Blood work, Chest X-ray and Bone Density Scan but this is just the beginning as I will have another whole day of tests on the 21st.  I have to admit that I dread the trip to Hahnemann and a whole day of poking and prodding but it  always makes me pause to Thank God for another year, as well as the beginning of a new year.  Plus I always have a friend who drives and keeps me company,  Huge Thanks to Joanne.  I am extremely grateful!

What lays ahead for this new year?  It promises to be very busy and challenging since starting A Jewelry Masterpiece for You.  I am looking forward to the upcoming opening of my very own Etsy shop.  I am hoping to have it open for business in June.  That is just a couple of weeks away and there are still many things to do, but that will be the place to see and buy a Masterpiece of your very own.  Please remember that I not only custom design but also repair jewelry.  So if you have a favorite piece that you are unable to wear because the clasp broke or it is just looking old and needs an update, allow me to create something just for you that you will love once again.

Blue Crystal and Chain

Have a Great Weekend!


Week 3: Easter

Hello Everyone,

My thoughts this week bring me to a time in my life when someone laid down their life for mine.  As you may know I received a heart transplant almost 12 years ago now.  It will be 12 years the end of May.  When I think back to that time, it is again impressed upon me that a young woman died so that I could live.  What happened to her was a terrible car accident.  It took her away from her family and friends but I lived because she died.

We never met.  She lived over 600 miles from where I live and yet I am totally indebted to her and her family.  My son was 8 years old when I came home from the hospital.  Without their sacrifice my son would not have his mother, but because of that accident there is a mother who no longer has her daughter.

I could never ever say thank you enough or I’m sorry enough…so I live.  I live to the fullest that I can in appreciation for every day that I have with my son, the rest of my family and friends.  Every day I wake up and Thank God for a new day.

There was someone else who died for me.  God sent his son, Jesus, to die so that I could live in heaven with him for all eternity.  Because Jesus died, paying the debt for my sins on the cross, I have a personal relationship with The Father.  I pray that you know Him in a personal way too.  If you don’t and you want to know more about this personal relationship, I would be very happy to tell you all about my Jesus.  He is more than just a name or a historical character.  He is my Savior and Lord.  He is the one who has brought me through transplant and because He lives, I LIVE!!!

God Bless you all this Easter,
